Medical Alert

ACME brings our familiar, intuitive, simple solution to Medical Emergencies

"First responders received immediate notification and were providing medical care to the fallen employees within one minute of the alert—a dramatic improvement in response time."

– Sam T., Director of Safety and Security at a manufacturing facility, Minnesota

Response time is critical for medical emergencies, too.

Our medical emergency devices are created to both complement our police alert systems and be used as a stand-alone solution. Designed to save lives by reducing both internal response to a medical emergency as well as external first reponders or paramedics, our solution provides critical information for a faster more informed reaction. Typically placed in areas with the potential for higher risk of medical emergencies – lunch areas, manufacturing production areas, gyms, nurse offices, etc. – these devices alert a group of people in the building of the location of a problem as well as communicate automatically to designated medical first responders such as local paramedics. The alert provides the location of the incident speeding the response to the person in trouble and ensures all the people needing to be involved are notified. Medical emergencies require rapid response and ACME automates the best response possible.

How it’s Different than the Police Alert

Unlike our Police Alert system, ACME Medical Alert:
  • Does not initiate strobe lights or audio alert within the building 
  • Does not communicate the incident throughout the entire facility - operations continue unhindered
  • Sends text and email only to a predetermined medical response group 

Where it's needed

Eating Areas
With the rise of allergies and anaphylactic reactions, getting internal and external medical responders to the affected person faster is critical.

Gym / Work-out Spaces
Not only for injuries but for seizures, heart issues, etc., having a means to quickly initiate a medical response is critical for all areas where people are exerting themselves.

Facilities with AED Devices
Medical first responders need to direct their attention to the injured person-not calling 911 and giving information.

Large Manufacturing Facilities 
Medical first responders receive a single building address. ACME Medical Alert provides a visual indication (strobe light) outside the entrance closest to the medical emergency to allow paramedics to drive to the nearest entry point to the medical emergency.

Corporate Facilities 
Clear, intuitive direction helps employees act swiftly in a medical emergency, reducing the need for training.

Large Public Spaces-Malls, Arenas, Museums, etc. 
Whether or not a two-stage response is needed, ACME Medical Alert allows any incident witness to rapidly contact first responders with accurate location information-both the building location and incident location within the building.


Based on the success of our police alert system, ACME brings the same familiar, intuitive, simple solution to Medical Emergencies.

How it Works

Once activated with a ACME Solutions device:

  • First responders within a building (employees trained in first aid, managers, HR department, leadership team, etc.) are alerted with location information. 
  • External first responders are contacted in less time than a 911 call. 
  • A dynamic Visual Point Identification (VPI) diagram graphically shows the location of the incident within the building. 
  • Option: Exterior Strobe Light – An external strobe light is located at the entry door nearest the incident indicating the best entry point for external first responders. 
  • Option: Two-Stage Response - Internal first responders are notified first. If the situation is beyond their capabilities, they initiate second-stage notification through our mobile device to external first responders.